When do you cut them loose....
Hey BAF family,
I had coffee with some of my girls last night and we got into a discussion about dating and how it's changed. Two of us are re-entering the dating world after long, long, long, long (have I said it enough) marriages and both of us are now in our 40's. The discussion topic center around one question.....
When do you cut them loose? I am not talking about the obvious, outstanding physical, sexual or mental abuse. That goes without saying. I mean, the average run of the mill dating drama.
The rules have changed. Let me explain, when I was dating in my 20's, it was not the norm to do these "sports dates" on your first few dates...like going hiking (WTH)!!! Okay, maybe we would go for a walk or picnic or something and after a while maybe play racquetball, but on the first few dates to be climbing some freakin' mountain???? How 'bout no. I'm a dinner, dancing, movies, kinda girl. Not a lets go wrestle a bear in the woods kinda girl! So you get my point, things have changed out there!
I admit, I give people FAR less leeway way when it comes to certain things now then I did when I was in my 20's (thank God) BUT I don't want to become a cynical old shrew either soo...
When do you cut them loose? After a few missed calls i.e. didn't call you back when they said they would? After being a little late for a few dates with out calling to let you know? After catching them in a stupid little lie i.e. not really speaking some language they bragged about knowing? When is it time and when is it past due?
As far as I can tell - men who are on the 'scene' ain't really about chit!!! Dime a dozen players, and the rest got one or two major defects......
Instead of hanging around - I have adopted a 'Cut and Run' policy - ZERO tolerance!!! Abject or outright bullchit gets you 86'd!!! I dealt with WAYYYY too much foolishness in my 20's - I have no patience whatsoever these days!!!!
If I ain't feeling you - gotta go. If I feel like you ain't feeling me - gotta go. If you feeling around like you wanna get something I don't want to give - gotta go. If you ain't acting right to get what I DO want to give - gotta go. If you don't mean what you say and say what you mean - gotta go. Broken promises - gotta go. Shady communication - gotta go. Can't keep your word? - gotta go.
BUT - before all else..... Don't pass the background check based off what you supplied as your basic info??? GOTTA FO DAYUM SHO GO!!!!!!!!!
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/

I too, have let far too many men get away with stupid drama in my 20's and I will not go there again. But I am wiser, more spiritually mature and much happier as a person now which is a huge improvement from the girl I was. Mostly, I am very careful and cautious now, where as before I would jump in with both feet.
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/